The drug and alcohol testing program guaranteed to meet all of the Coast Guard’s requirements
Welcome to The Maritime Consortium, Inc.
In 2025, as in our previous 35 years, our mission is to guarantee our members 100% compliance with all Coast Guard drug testing requirements through the highest quality program available to the marine industry.
Maritime has grown to be the largest and most comprehensive drug testing consortium serving marine small to medium sized businesses, including charterboats, sailing schools, marine towing and salvage firms, and passenger carrying vessels. Since we perform Coast Guard drug testing program services exclusively, we are thoroughly familiar with all of the regulations that apply to the marine industry.
Maritime services all areas of USCG jurisdiction in the United States and the Caribbean as well as U.S Territories in the Pacific. In doing so, we are contracted with more than 4700 certified collection sites and only use SAMHSA certified drug-testing laboratories. Finally, our Medical Review Officer is certified for DOT/USCG evaluations with over 30 years experience.
The Maritime Consortium provides all the required paperwork, record keeping, random number generation, report submission to the USCG and chain of custody testing required by the regulation. Maritime locates a collection site 30 miles or less from each member company to perform all test collections.
If you are looking for a drug testing program to ensure your compliance with all applicable Coast Guard drug testing regulations, we invite you to join us and our pool of over 12,000 members.
To enroll in the Maritime Consortium, please complete an enrollment application for yourself and crewmember(s). You will receive a certificate of compliance, an identification card for each enrolled employee, and a consortium information booklet which includes Employee Assistance Program materials and procedures.
Latest News
- USCG Random Drug Testing Rate for 2025
The Coast Guard set the calendar year 2025 minimum drug testing rate at 50 percent of covered crewmembers. The minimum random drug testing rate is effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. Note: As a member company of The Maritime Consortium, Inc., the 50 percent testing rate does not necessarily mean 1/2 of your …
more - USCG Drug Testing Form for Non-Members
If you wish to take a DOT Drug test for your license, license renewal, or upgrade without joining the Maritime Consortium, please download and fill out our form.
more - Contact Us
Got Questions? Please contact us at info@drugfreevessel.com or 800-775-6985.
more - Coast Guard Drug Testing Rule Details and Membership Questions
Other Links: Summary of Maritime Consortium’s USCG Drug Testing Program Services | Membership ApplicationDownload a Printed Brochure (pdf) Federal Regulation Summary for Coast Guard Drug Testing Program The federal drug testing program (now embodied as 46 CFR Parts 4, 5, 16 and 49 CFR Part 40) imposes 10 requirements on licensed marine operators and crew. …